Hello to all,
½ûÂþÌìÌà is organizing a meeting at Côté Jasmin, a secret heaven in the heart of Port Louis.
Meet us on Thursday, August 31st, from 6.30pm at Côté Jasmin, 9b Street St Georges, Port Louis.
Enjoy good food and drinks in a friendly atmosphere with a -10% discount on the whole menu all evening long!
You will find in the menu :
- Cocktails / Mocktails
- Beers
- Soft Drinks
- Burgers
- Wraps / Paninis
- Mine bouillie / Mine ou riz frit / Bol renversé
And much more...
We hope to see many of you and look forward to seeing you again!
Do not hesitate to share this event around you
The ½ûÂþÌìÌà Team
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Est-ce que c’est toujours bon pour aujourd’hui ?