
Everyday life in England

Eager to discover what life in England looks like? Here's a taste.

Cost of living in London

London forms part of the top ten most expensive cities to live in for expats. However, the cost of living varies from one ...

How to meet people in the UK

Meeting new people in the UK as a newly arrived expat is easy. However, if this is your first experience living abroad, you may ...

Dating in the UK

Dating in England is a blend of tradition and modernity, where meeting people in social settings and contemporary dating apps ...

Buying food in London

London is a city that offers many choices, which can make food shopping a bit overwhelming. The quest for the right supermarket ...

Child care in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom boasts a quality and reliable childcare system managed by national regulations. You can, therefore, choose ...

Brexit: the UK hosts the largest contingent of young French people

While a majority of British voters have chosen to leave the European Union, a study conducted by the participative website ...

Exchange Rate Roulette

Living and working in a foreign country is an amazing and thrilling thing, but it does not come without its headaches. For many ...