
Work in the USA

Information on the labour market, legal framework and how to find a job in the USA.

Setting up a business in the USA

Lots of people dream about being their own boss and starting their own business. The United States is famous for the ...

Finding a job in New York

New York's sheer size and the scope of the city's economy mean that the opportunities available here are practically ...

Working in San Francisco

Since its beginnings as a gold rush boom town, San Francisco has been a dynamic, busy city where people go to try and make their ...

Finding work in Portland

A mid-sized city on the West Coast, Portland is home to a thriving economy and a diverse array of industries. Steel and ...

Finding work in Houston

Houston is the biggest city in Texas, with a population of over 2.28 million people. The city was once primarily known for ...

Finding work in Chicago

Chicago is one of the largest cities and economies in the United States. Its unique Midwest location means there is a broad range ...

Finding work in Boston

Even though it is one of the United States' most historic cities, no particular industry sticks out as Boston's top ...

Finding work in Austin

Over the last few years, Austin has earned its nickname of “Silicone Hills”. With a reputation for innovation and ...

Working in Miami

Miami is well-known for its stunning coastline, and the city also has some of the most sought-after real estate in the South, as ...

Working in Los Angeles

California has long been known as a hub for innovation and creativity in the US, and the state's major cities, like Los ...

Become a digital nomad in the United States

It's hard to find a digital nomad out there who doesn't have a road trip through the US on their bucket list. The ...

The work culture in San Francisco

The thought of working in the Bay Area of San Francisco looks attractive to foreign professionals from around the world. Indeed ...

The work culture in New York

The work culture in New York can significantly vary according to the type of structure, the size of the company, and the ...

The work culture in Miami

Work culture in Miami is diverse and can vary depending on the industry and company you join. Overall, Miami embraces a ...

The work culture in Los Angeles

Navigating a new job market can be a challenging yet exciting journey, especially for expatriates settling in Los Angeles ...