
General information about Ecuador

Get an overview of in Ecuador with general information to discover the country

Ecuadorian lifestyle:

Life in Ecuador, of course, is something that is best experienced in person and on the spot. However, this article endeavours to ...

Safety in Ecuador

The passport, especially a European or American passport, is one of the most sought-after documents in Ecuador. A stolen and then ...

Family and children in Ecuador

Family is everything to an Ecuadorian. The extended family unit is the most important aspect of life in Ecuador, and all ...

How to save Money on Your Duty Free Shipping

So you’ve decided to make beautiful Ecuador your home! Congratulations! Now, you will face a very difficult ...

Looking Before You Leap

I took the time to read through some of the online forums this weekend and noticed something interesting. On the one hand ...

What's The Cost of Living in Ecuador?

When considering a retirement city/country, one of the first questions people ask is:

Live In Ecuador - Move to Ecuador- Retire In Ecuador

I have lived in South America for the past 5 years.  In the last year I have chosen to permanently retire in Ecuador in a ...