David Short
English expat in Tunisia
7 posts
About me
Lives in La Marsa
Registration: 21 October 2014
Essentials to live in Tunisia by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Tunisia, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Tunisia? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you would ...
La Marsa, overlooking the beach where the fishermen are. Beautiful but sadly spoiled by the driving, which is in my opinion the biggest everyday problem in Tunisia. It's why the country has the highest per capita fatalities in the world if you ... Read More
Essentials to live in Tunisia by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Tunisia, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Tunisia? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you would ...
I liked my neighbours a lot, but I really hated the country. If they could just do some public information to get them driving normally it would improve the country enormously. They have no idea of the danger they create the way they drive. I ... Read More
Tips and advice to thrive in Tunisia by Priscilla
Hi, When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes. How did you manage to adjust to Tunisia? How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy ...
I don't think you can, unless you become Muslim. Read More
Essentials to live in Tunisia by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Tunisia, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Tunisia? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you would ...
The advice about shopping and fresh produce is OK but it depends where you are. Mostly I just wanted to get back home as quickly as possible and saving a few dollars on vegetables was not high on the priorities. I would repeat that the biggest ... Read More
Essentials to live in Tunisia by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Tunisia, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Tunisia? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you would ...
A good tip when looking for accommodation is to visit the area at night and listen out to learn if there are any barking dogs in the area. Many people have dogs in Tunisia, despite it being a Muslim country (Muslims generally think of dogs as ... Read More
Essentials to live in Tunisia by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Tunisia, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Tunisia? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you would ...
Thanks for the advice. No, I am no longer in Tunisia. I moved as did many others when la BAD moved back to Abidjan. I hope you are right about the defence force. Yes, they were great in the revolution - on the side of the people unlike elsewhere ... Read More
Essentials to live in Tunisia by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Tunisia, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Tunisia? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you would ...
Hard question to answer really. All electrical items are more expensive than in the West and you cannot have them delivered from say Amazon. It just doesn't work. Plus the choice is limited and many things turn out to be unreliable. In the ... Read More