Maltese citizen
4 posts
About me
Maltese, Married with children
Lives in vittoriosa
Registration: 10 October 2016
Moving to Malta Next week - last minute checklist help! by laurencf
Hi everyone, I will be moving from Scotland to Malta on Tuesday, I have secured a job and have temporary accommodation booked and letting agent appointments arranged. I just want to make sure I'm not forgetting any important things like ...
if your job is in the South then you could rent a room for only Eur 400 per month Read More
Is 1000 Euros enough for a single to live? How about a job? by philthebrit
A couple of questions 1) Say you rented a 1 bedroom flat in Malta for ? 350 euros/month, what is the minimum you could survive on. Would 1000 euros a month do for a single person, living a modest life style. 2) What would be the probability of ...
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