10 posts
About me
Lives in Lecce, Italy
Registration: 02 January 2006
Choice of country ? by Urielle
Hi, everyone! Please let me ask you the following : if you had the possibility to move anywhere in Europe, which country would you choose ? please take the following details into consideration : cost of living, medical care, climate, educational ...
The majority of people chose Italy... I am expatriated in Italy... but it is not the country I would have chosen (I mean, we looked after an interesting job not a destination)! I would have preferred a Scandinavian country, where there is snow in ... Read More
European cultural shock by loloieg
Hello, almost all expatriates have experienced a cultural shock ...Do you think that european people experience a lower shock when they move to another european country ??? Did you move from an European country to another one ?? What is your ...
Sure, the Latin countries (Spain, Italy) etc are a bit different to the Northern Euro ones (UK, Germany), but even then it's not that different.At first, it is not that different, yes. In my daily life, I can keep the habits of my culture. But at ... Read More
What makes Paris the most visited city in the world? by Julien
Hi, Paris is -I think- the most visited city in the world... What makes it so beautiful? Is it "la butte de Montmarte", "Notre Dame", "Le louvre", "les Champs Elysées", "le parc du Luxembourg"? Is it the romance aspect of the city that made it ...
I think that also movies give this image of romantic Paris. Read More
Expat blog changes its design! by Julien
Hi everybody, the website will be probably a bit messy for a couple of days, as I am changing its design ... Please let us know what you think it in this topic ;) Thanks for your patience, Julien - busy, busy today!
Great design, clear and aesthetic ! I look forward seeing all the expat-pictures on the home page... And I love the new stickers on the suitcase ! :D Good job Julien! Read More
Ciao da Lecce, Italia by jujuly25
Ciao, Et voilà je me suis inscrite sur expat-blog ! Depuis le temps qu’on m’en parle ! Je me présente. Je suis une ch’ti (du Nord de la France), au moins la 2ème sur le forum… après 9 mois en tant qu’exchange student au Canada, me voilà maintenant ...
Merci pour vos messages de bienvenue. Julien, sois rassuré, je ne t'en veux pas du tout! Olivier, merci pour tes commentaires sur le blog et pour la plupart des photos il faut plutot féliciter Laurent. Pour répondre à ta question, tout est ... Read More
Ciao da Lecce, Italia
Ciao, Et voilà je me suis inscrite sur expat-blog ! Depuis le temps qu’on m’en parle ! Je me présente. Je suis une ch’ti (du Nord de la France), au moins la 2ème sur le forum… après 9 mois en tant qu’exchange student au Canada, me voilà maintenant ... Read More