7 posts
About me
Lives in Buenos Aires
Registration: 05 January 2008
Easiest and Best countries for expatriates by jadarite
1. What are the easiest countries to become an expatriate in? 2. What are the best countries to become an expatriate in? 3. How do you make sure the government of the country you move to doesn't deport you to your birth country?
> 1. What are the easiest countries to become an expatriate in? Do you mean "the easiest place to get on with life", or "the easiest place to get a visa to live"? Generally it's easier moving to a developed country that speaks your language and ... Read More
Why did you move to a foreign country? by Julien
The first poll of the expat forum! It is associated to this post: /forum/viewtopic.php?id=27 Did you move for professional reasons, for your studies, because you really wanted to (you move without a job), or for any other ...
Funny, I've moved for all of those reasons! (Not all at the same time..) - Professional reason - Because I wanted, I moved without a job - Student - I fell in love - Other Read More
Kiwi in Argentina by Living-in-BsAs
Being an expat is nothing new to me as I've spent several years away from home. This year I moved to Argentina and am living in the capital Buenos Aires where I'm trying to enjoy life and get a business going.
5 countries in 4 continents :) Yes I think it is fairly complicated to set up a business here in Argentina, at least compared to NZ. But there are lots of opportunities too. Read More
Beaches in Southern Brazil
I'm living in Argentina and am thinking about making a trip up to Brazil sometime soon. Can anyone recommend any of the beach-towns in the Southern part of the country? (i.e. south of São Paulo). Cheers Read More
Buenos Aires by Miranda
Hi, I currently live and work in Venezuela, but I´m considering the possibility to move to Buenos Aires in the short term... The question is : Is it a "difficult" city ? I mean....Visa, flat, cost of living, personal security, people ? What ...
...Is it a "difficult" city ? I mean....Visa, flat, cost of living, personal security, people ?Miranda, once you've got the immigration side of things sorted it isn't really a difficult city to live in. I think the main difficulties are with the ... Read More
Kiwi in Argentina
Being an expat is nothing new to me as I've spent several years away from home. This year I moved to Argentina and am living in the capital Buenos Aires where I'm trying to enjoy life and get a business going. Read More
who to trust in argentina - expats ! by charlie-
I have just returned from Argentina after 3 months traveling and have enjoyed my time immensely in such a wonderful country but there are pitfalls !! Argentines just can not resist the opportunity to take overseas vistors for a ride, whether it be ...
...There are many places that have a two tiered system particularly if it's something that a tourist might use... ...But, that happens in many places in the world, it's not just Argentina being singled out.Yes it happens in many places in the world ... Read More