



New member

English expat in the United Arab Emirates


8 posts

About me


Lives in Dubai

Registration: 08 January 2008


Xalimo replied to a thread
16 years ago

living with your girlfriend in Dubai by yankee

I'm currently living in New York City and am seriously considering moving to Dubai in January for work. I'm coming with my girlfriend. What I have heard it is illegal. Do I really have to worry about this or does everybody do it? Thanks, D


Some do it without advertising it. But get caught or pregnant and you could have problems.. Read More

Xalimo replied to a thread
16 years ago

Passport Confiscation Question by Dino64

I have been offered a job at a big newspaper in Dubai (all good - money's great, allowances are superb etc), but there is one huge sticking point. The company, who shall remain nameless, want to keep my UK Passport (although I live in the USA) ...


Yes, there are companies that hold on to peoples passports in the UAE. It is illegal under UAE laws. If you're employer insists contact the British Embassy. Read More

Xalimo replied to a thread
16 years ago

Alcohol and driving... by petercasier

They have become very strict in the UAE on alcohol and driving. If any trace of alcohol is found, even if you have not been involved in an accident, you're in trouble... Real trouble!


That has always been the case?! Just as well, though. There are enough crazy drivers here as it, can't imagine how things would be if the police were lenient on drunk drivers as well. Read More

Xalimo replied to a thread
17 years ago

London : what is a "Nursery scool" ? by dgoize

Hello, I will relocate to london on April 2008 and I'm looking for my child (3 years). It seems that in England school is mandatory at 5 years and it's free (in public sector). Unfortunately, not before 5 years! =( I read articles about "nursery ...


Hello, Nursery is a preschool. 4 year olds would get 12.1/2 hours (government paid) free nursery placement per week. You might get some government assistance depending on your salary. The quality is pretty good, though some would be much ... Read More

Xalimo replied to a thread
17 years ago

Hello from Dubai by Xalimo

Hiya everyone, This is Xalimo (the X is pronouced as h) from Dubai. I grew up in London UK and have been in Dubai for about a year and a half. I was in Oman for another year before moving here. It's been an interesting experience, so far. ...


Julien, IÂ’ve thought of more, actually. Yeah, itÂ’ll be a cool postÂ… watch this space. Read More

Xalimo replied to a thread
17 years ago

Hey y'all from Spain by aparejador

I'm a U.S. citizen that's been living in Spain for the past year. Just ran across this site, as I was searching the old innernets for some explanation as to why it's so darn difficult to find a company that will sell me a hard drive at fair price, ...


Hey, welcome on board. I've my moments of pity, too. I guess, that's part of the territory when you're a trainling spouse but like you said, that's what's about. Compromise :) Read More

Xalimo replied to a thread
17 years ago

Hello from Dubai by Xalimo

Hiya everyone, This is Xalimo (the X is pronouced as h) from Dubai. I grew up in London UK and have been in Dubai for about a year and a half. I was in Oman for another year before moving here. It's been an interesting experience, so far. ...


Thanks, Julein. I wish for a prosperous new year for you, too. I like many things about Dubai: 1. The cultural mix, everyone has their distinct culture but then there's a bit of a mix up. 2. Seeing progress take place. You see the ... Read More

Xalimo created a thread
17 years ago

Hello from Dubai

Hiya everyone, This is Xalimo (the X is pronouced as h) from Dubai. I grew up in London UK and have been in Dubai for about a year and a half. I was in Oman for another year before moving here. It's been an interesting experience, so far. ... Read More