English expat in Egypt
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Registration: 11 March 2023
UK spouse visa by Guest7825
Hi,I plan to marry my Egyptian spouse in the British Embassy in Cairo and then I plan to bring him to the UK. Could anyone provide any advice to how to do this process? Is it correct that I can’t apply for a spouse visa for him from within the ...
@Rum AlvaradoHiHave you checked the Facebook group Visa Regulations for Ex Pats in Egypt?They regularly have questions similar to yours. Read More
UK spouse visa by Guest7825
Hi,I plan to marry my Egyptian spouse in the British Embassy in Cairo and then I plan to bring him to the UK. Could anyone provide any advice to how to do this process? Is it correct that I can’t apply for a spouse visa for him from within the ...
@Rum Alvarado HiHave you checked the Facebook group, Visa Regulations for ex pats in Egypt? Read More