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English expat in France

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Lives in Paris

Registration: 23 September 2008

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invisibleparis replied to a thread
15 years ago

moving to Paris- excited but nervous by madimoo022

Hello! I am coming to Paris in September and am very excited! I have been there once before while i was studying abroad, but have never been or lived there as a non-student. I just recently graduated from college and want to spend about a year in ...


Get a copy of FUSAC when you arrive. It's full of two things - teaching jobs, because there are never enough English teachers to go round, and appartments for rent. Most language schools will give you a job without a visa because they know that it ... Read More

invisibleparis replied to a thread
16 years ago

Invisible Paris by invisibleparis

If you're interested in seeing Paris in a slightly different way, and want to experience what exists outside the ville musée, pop by and see me! Audience participation is encouraged! http://parisisinvisible.blogspot.com/


Well, that's a very big question. Firstly I think it is a fantastic city to 'live' in, and as it is still human-sized, it is a great place to walk around. If we're talking about specifics then I'd mention the Jardin des Plantes, Belleville, St ... Read More

invisibleparis created a thread
16 years ago

Invisible Paris

If you're interested in seeing Paris in a slightly different way, and want to experience what exists outside the ville musée, pop by and see me! Audience participation is encouraged! http://parisisinvisible.blogspot.com/ Read More

invisibleparis replied to a thread
16 years ago

What makes Paris the most visited city in the world? by Julien

Hi, Paris is -I think- the most visited city in the world... What makes it so beautiful? Is it "la butte de Montmarte", "Notre Dame", "Le louvre", "les Champs Elysées", "le parc du Luxembourg"? Is it the romance aspect of the city that made it ...


Just because the whole city is a museum, and still a relatively cheap one. Read More