
Dr. Suliman

Dr. Suliman


Sudanese expat in Saudi Arabia


13 posts

About me


Lives in Riyadh

Registration: 17 December 2013


Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
8 years ago

Give Iqama back after resignation (employer violating contract). by dom75lao

Good day everyone, I'm a pilot and I resign less than 48h ago. My employer was violating my contract : - put my contract on hold without valid reasons for 15 days on mid September 2016; - not giving the proper OFF period as states the contract ...

Dr. Suliman

Breaching exit and re-entry visa blocks you from KSA for 3 years. Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
8 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

Females not allowed xxx Sensi Dani Bondoq Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
8 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

053 363 4462 Sensi Dani Bondoq Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

My husband got in trouble with Haya police man by Sofiamanaoui

Hey, my husband got in trouble with the religious police. He is kept in detention for 5 days as haya are claiming that he hit a member of them and he is in the hospital. Does anyone know what would happen?

Dr. Suliman

I see it now. You are asking to make sure that he gets it, while everybody is thinking the oppossite. WOMEN! :shy Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Work Visa process from Canada by Willitbeok

Hello everyone, I spent sometime looking for visa process and found that the process depends on where you are. I got an offer from univeristy and it took about three monthes from them to send me Visa number. I don't know what to do next :/ . ...

Dr. Suliman

Hi afroze. I have the same situation as you. If you have find a way, please share. Otherwise at least lets share leads and post updates. BR Dr. Akram Dafaallah Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

SMS me and I will return his number Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Saudis actualy liberal? by duaab

Hello people! So this is my first post on the forums :D Anyway, I remember reading from some other forum (can't remember which one it was) that while the Saudi Arabian government imposes a strict interpretation of Islam, Saudis themselves are ...

Dr. Suliman

@rareshine I must admit that I love your line of thought ( :heart: ). If all women in the world are down to earth like you, this world would definetly be a better place ( :par: ). Yes. Finally a woman with enough sense to admit that the women role ... Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

SMS me and I will return his number Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

Hi Suzi, Sensi dani has to come and check the roof top. Is next Friday suitable around 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

I shall speak to the sensi and see what he replies. I think it is going to have to be private becasue the regulations are too tight with regards to mixing of genders. I shall have an answer for you by next Sunday. Read More

Dr. Suliman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Aikido Dojos/Instructors by Hypatiea

Warm Greetings to all from rainy old UK! I may be moving to Riyadh in a month or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of martial arts classes, specifically aikido? Also, if there are restrictions women attending a dojo or is that a silly ...

Dr. Suliman

Akidio classes in Riyadh. Three hours once per week every Friday early morning for 150 SAR/ month. I have practiced under 3 previous sensis and two shihans and in my humble opinion I believe Sensi Dani is the best I have taken lessons with mainly ... Read More