Irish expat in Fiji
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Nadi
Registration: 15 April 2014

Permanent residency in Fiji by dayna and dave
Hi all, I have been looking at residency requirements for living in Fiji but am a little confused at the moment could someone please clarify? Do you need to be 45 years and over to be able to buy a property for 100k FJD? And to provide an income of ...

Depends on many things: your current nationality/citizenship Your age how much time per year you intend to spend in Fiji if you have a spouse or close relative who is a Fiji citizen the mechanism of purchase your assets your income how much money ... Read More

work visa/job by kumargo
Hi, can a person of indian origin get a job and live in fiji island. Siggest me consultant who can help me in this.

FYI Fiji is a very difficult and slow place to do business and move money into or out of. There are a lot of government regulations and red tape around trade and finance, you will need professional advice from a lawyer and accountant to your ... Read More

Bringing all your worldly goods with you!! by Lynne27
Hi everyone or should I say Bula, Can any one give me information on, how and what belongings we can bring with us? Surprisingly we keep getting contradictive information, and we feel we need rock solid information before financially committing to ...

My background, lived and worked here for 3 years as an expat, my wife is a local Fiji citizen. 1. Can we bring our personal vehicle duty free? (even if its more than 5 years old) Not worth the trouble - you will have to pay customs duty @ 32% + 15% ... Read More

Home help by MrShankly
Hi Fiji Expats, I am moving to Fiji soon with my wife and 2 kids for a three year posting. We are Australian and have been living in various parts of Asia for the last 10 years. I am interested to know what the situation in Fiji (Suva) is for ...

Bula Mr. S, For your home help, be super careful who you let in the house. Petty theft a big problem here. Wait until you arrive and ask around amongst your colleagues for who has a long-term home help already. Then ask if that person can send a ... Read More

work visa/job by kumargo
Hi, can a person of indian origin get a job and live in fiji island. Siggest me consultant who can help me in this.

If you are highly educated or have relevant international experience that a Fiji-based company cannot find locally, you will find a job. Unemployment is high here, so the job market is very competitive, and salaries lower than Aus or NZ. However ... Read More

Getting a job as a doctor in Fiji by ron.kemper
I am a South African-trained doctor with 30 years experience in surgery, anaesthetics, emergency medicine, general practice and air ambulance work. I a looking to move to Fiji and need to find a job. Does anyone have experience or advice to offer?

Hi Ron, I live and work in Nadi (construction business) Good that you have experience working in South Africa; I previously worked in Gambia and Senegal. With that background, the poor condition of public health facilities here will not shock you. ... Read More

Permanent residency in Fiji by dayna and dave
Hi all, I have been looking at residency requirements for living in Fiji but am a little confused at the moment could someone please clarify? Do you need to be 45 years and over to be able to buy a property for 100k FJD? And to provide an income of ...

If you have some money, Fiji is an easy place to get residence, but very difficult to get any employment. You need to have investment income, or sufficient capital to start a new business. What you are mentioning is a 'Residence Permit on Assured ... Read More

Any Bangladeshi living in Fiji by lroy
Hi I just want to know that any Bangladeshi living in Fiji. If so then reply on this topic.

There is a Bangladeshi community centred around Sitar restaurant in Nadi. Read More