
stefonic USA


American expat in Norway
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I'm Steven, I am an American Carpenter, off and on, 7 years in a country that for the most part does not build homes from wood. There was however a small market for these services I offer. Polish "traditional housing" is so expensive and time consuming, that it still has most Poles living in those awful "Russian apartment buildings" Even though they kicked the Russians out in 1989, not much has changed in Poland since 1989. My Polish wife has agreed to give up on trying to build homes in Poland. We have moved to Stavanger, Norway in order to earn a better living. So....bye Poland, Hello Norway. My new site is called Sola Carpenter at stefonin.wordpress.com In 2010 my Ex Polish wife went crazy in Norway drinking all night, spending all night with single guys, and putting me down in front of my son, Matthew. So, I packed up my son and we moved away from the back-stabbing little vodka guzzling witch back to America, where we belong. Like I said, some things Polish, will never change......

I joined expat.com on 09 January 2009.

  • I can speak English, Polish, Spanish
  • Interests photography, writing
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Expat experience

Since November 2009
Stavanger, Norway
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Get with the Social system and culture and dance with it.

Double standards and out right racism in certain situations at work.

Apr 1998 - Jan 2008
Colorado, USA
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My Polish wife does not care for America, or Americans in general, she tolerates me though, 15 years now

Jan 1995 - Oct 1997
Wroctaw, USA
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US Aid construtuction project. Carpentry instructor in support of the Union Solidarity

Endless, red tape and a sort of hang over, from Stalin...