
Mohammed Cohen

Mohammed Cohen

New member

American citizen


4 posts

About me


Lives in Westlake Village, California

Registration: 31 May 2014


Mohammed Cohen replied to a thread
7 years ago

Registration og marriage contract by Perlie

Good day to all I am filipina and married to norwegian citizen. Wo got married here in the philippines. Just want to ask do we need to register our marriage contract in norway? Thank you very much and more power to all. Mabuhay Perlie

Mohammed Cohen

First you must register your marriage with the local US consulate or the US Embassy. After registering there, you will need to register in the county records office of your marriage in order to make it valid and effective in the state that you ... Read More

Mohammed Cohen replied to a thread
7 years ago

Finding a job and work sponsorship in the USA by usmc_mv

Finding a job in the United States can be difficult. Finding a job in the United States from a foreign country can seem downright impossible. There are options to assist you in your search. But understand that given the current economic crisis ...

Mohammed Cohen

Your chances of obtaining a work visa in the USA are ZERO due to this specific fact that you have your uncle in the USA! The less the friends and relatives you have in the USA and your background falls in the categories of jobs American companies ... Read More

Mohammed Cohen replied to a thread
7 years ago

Finding a job and work sponsorship in the USA by usmc_mv

Finding a job in the United States can be difficult. Finding a job in the United States from a foreign country can seem downright impossible. There are options to assist you in your search. But understand that given the current economic crisis ...

Mohammed Cohen

Matt is correct in almost all respects as far as the routine search for jobs in today's USA. Things were lot different during Obama and previous administrations. With President Trump, jobs in USA for the foreigners particularly those from Asian ... Read More

Mohammed Cohen replied to a thread
10 years ago

Fake Dubai by clarebugden

Am I the only person that thinks Dubai is pretentiuos, fake and phony. From people's smiles to their fake drunked lifestyles, to the malls with every type of fake plastic bling you could imagine. Tell me I am not the only crazy person in Dubai who ...

Mohammed Cohen

At first glance during a car ride from the Airport to the Hotel, Dubai looks so unreal and almost like a magic city unlike any cities back in the USA or Canada as a matter of fact even any city in Europe (with the exception of new Chinese cities). ... Read More