I was born in France, in Paris. In 2008 relocate in Thailand - 2012 in Cambodia and Vietnam and 2022 Thailand again. For years i worked as video producer for the music and the advertising industry, i retired 2 years ago.
I am a male.
I am single. I am retired. I am Agent.
I joined expat.com on 15 August 2014.
Establish a Partnership beetween my thai company and a vietnamese brother company
I got very lucky meeting wonderful Vietnamese partners
Market very competitive, tough
I set up a production house and worked as freelance as TVC film director
Bangkok is a easy city to live in.
Get only few occasions to share with locals, even working there.
Set up company named Oxygen Dakar, film and TV industry
Was very instructive, and challenging
Dangerous in Niger.
Work as Assistant director on musicals video
Best school ever in entertainment industry