American looking for information about China
8 posts
About me
Lives in Seattle
Registration: 12 July 2010
Coming from Sweden to Shangai, Beijing by peruvianprincess
Hi everybody! I am a south american girl living in Sweden and planning to come to visit China for two weeks. I am coming to Beijing 26-th august and returning 10-th september!! I'd like to get in contact with serious people, girls and guys who will ...
Damn, you're lucky because I'm going to tell you about all the spots you need to hit and do. When you arrive at the Beijing Airport, take the airport subway to the city.(25 kua or around 4 US dollars) Once there, you want to buy an IC card, which ... Read More
Coming from Sweden to Shangai, Beijing by peruvianprincess
Hi everybody! I am a south american girl living in Sweden and planning to come to visit China for two weeks. I am coming to Beijing 26-th august and returning 10-th september!! I'd like to get in contact with serious people, girls and guys who will ...
I'm in Beijing till August 6th and Shanghai from 11th to 13th. Let me know if you want to explore the two cities with me. I just walk around and go into whatever interesting building I happen to run into until I get tired. Then I take a taxi and ... Read More
Electronics Engineer desperately looking for Job in Hong Kong by v.amitesh
Helle everyone , Myself an Electronics Engineer working as a "Design,Operations & Execution Engineer" in a Company which pertains to Precision environment control for Labs and Data Centers. I'm desperately looking for a Job in Hong Kong and have ...
Out of curiosity, why does it have to be Hong Kong? Read More
Anyone been to Mainland China? by jumi
Hi everybody, I planning to visit Beijing before the end of July. How difficult is it to get a visa to China, I've heard they changed the law for French people, and I know someone who got rejected twice without any specific reason. I would much ...
When I went to Hong Kong from Shenzhen on a trip last year, I felt there were 3 differences: Hong Kong is hella crowded. What's with 2 layers just for walking? English is most commonly spoken in Hong Kong, probably due to former Brit ... Read More
Another new-in-towner.... by ashleyp4776
I am a psuedo-expat, spending abotu 35% of my time in Beijing. Craving a little conversation in English about now! Would love to find someone to have dinner from time to time(Would also love an occasional running partner for the weekends.) I stay ...
Last time I was in Beijing, it was for the Olympics. I remember being able to make friends with Americans by just walking around in HouHai. Are things different now? I think they were all foreign exchange students from Ohio(yuck). Read More
Open Gym Volleyball by softie
Hi, I'm visiting Beijing for about a week at the beginning of August for a conference. Does anyone know if there is open gym(indoor or outdoor) volleyball somewhere in the city? I play at usav BB level.
I'll stop by Shanghai as well in the following week so if there's anything in that city, feel free to drop by a post. Read More
Open Gym Volleyball
Hi, I'm visiting Beijing for about a week at the beginning of August for a conference. Does anyone know if there is open gym(indoor or outdoor) volleyball somewhere in the city? I play at usav BB level. Read More