


New member

American looking for information about Brazil

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Lives in Seattle

Registration: 09 October 2014


SQLDev replied to a thread
10 years ago

Tourist Visa Stays in Brazil - 180 days per year maximum by James

Tourist Visa Stay – 180 day per year maximum The method of calculating the maximum visa stay is the subject of so much confusion that I have decided to try and explain it as clearly as possible so it can be easily understood by all. The standard ...


Thank you once again for your wonderful advice, William. Yes, I am counting day of entry and day of exit as full days. I really appreciate your help! -M Read More

SQLDev replied to a thread
10 years ago

Tourist Visa Stays in Brazil - 180 days per year maximum by James

Tourist Visa Stay – 180 day per year maximum The method of calculating the maximum visa stay is the subject of so much confusion that I have decided to try and explain it as clearly as possible so it can be easily understood by all. The standard ...


Hello again, William! Thank you so much for explaining the rules. I visited Natal for 28 days recently and I loved it! I am going back in early 2015 and I am trying to figure out my options for how long I can be there on my tourist visa. My ... Read More

SQLDev replied to a thread
10 years ago

Visiting Natal by SQLDev

Hello! My name is Mirna. I will be visiting Natal for 4 weeks, starting in the month of October 2014. This will be my first time in Brazil and I would like to connect with people. I was born in Mexico. I currently live in Seattle, WA, USA and would ...


Hi, William! Thank you for your response. The information on your post is simply fantastic! Parts of it are disconcerting, but I will remain cautiously optimistic. Best, -M Read More

SQLDev created a thread
10 years ago

Visiting Natal

Hello! My name is Mirna. I will be visiting Natal for 4 weeks, starting in the month of October 2014. This will be my first time in Brazil and I would like to connect with people. I was born in Mexico. I currently live in Seattle, WA, USA and would ... Read More