
Teacher Teacher Teacher

Teacher Teacher Teacher

New member

American expat in Saudi Arabia

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Riyadh

Registration: 21 October 2014


Teacher Teacher Teacher replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is PNU short of teachers?...Don't know much about history... by readyfreddy

Looking over the comments for Princess Nora University, I've noticed some complaints about the university. I think the underlying problem is the teacher shortage. We are really overworked because most of us are doing the work of 1 and a half ...

Teacher Teacher Teacher

'PNU is NOT a safe or comfortable place to work. They don't care about teacher's health or safety. Here is just a short list: If there's heavy rain, they cancel classes for students, and Saudi management goes home. But the foreign ... Read More

Teacher Teacher Teacher replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is PNU short of teachers?...Don't know much about history... by readyfreddy

Looking over the comments for Princess Nora University, I've noticed some complaints about the university. I think the underlying problem is the teacher shortage. We are really overworked because most of us are doing the work of 1 and a half ...

Teacher Teacher Teacher

I'm Leaving PNU.. This is my little tribute I wrote as I try to sort my feelings.... "Welcome to the Grand illusion Come on in and see what's happening..Pay the price, get your tickets for the show.." Fact or fiction.. attempted ... Read More

Teacher Teacher Teacher replied to a thread
10 years ago

Enough of Princess Noura University by deocome

I just put in my resignation at PNU and I don't care who knows it! I regret these two years that I wasted on all the stress and unappreciation. I think teachers who want to come have a right to know how it is for us. Attendance was what did it ...

Teacher Teacher Teacher

Well stated, "- they build big buildings and great facilities but they never fix their system. most of the schools are mismanaged -- they are so quick to lie and deny all their promises when they hired you." If you know and UNDERSTAND ... Read More

Teacher Teacher Teacher replied to a thread
10 years ago

Enough of Princess Noura University by deocome

I just put in my resignation at PNU and I don't care who knows it! I regret these two years that I wasted on all the stress and unappreciation. I think teachers who want to come have a right to know how it is for us. Attendance was what did it ...

Teacher Teacher Teacher

If you're a direct hire proceed with caution. I would recommend taking out your own health insurance because right now we have no real coverage. Also, know that if you want out of your contract you'll have to do a 'runner' because ... Read More

Teacher Teacher Teacher replied to a thread
10 years ago

PNU Housing by live2travel

Are there any direct hires here for PNU? What is the shared housing like? How far is it from the classes?

Teacher Teacher Teacher

Yes, yes I agree with all your points. I mean 5 star in that the apartments are well appointed as in tastefully decorated and spacious. However, after the robbery, I no longer feel safe because PNU is only concerned in my signing a nondisclosure ... Read More

Teacher Teacher Teacher replied to a thread
10 years ago

PNU Housing by live2travel

Are there any direct hires here for PNU? What is the shared housing like? How far is it from the classes?

Teacher Teacher Teacher

PNU housing is five star! The flat is modern, beautifully appointed and spacious. However, it is not safe. Security and PNU have copies of the keys and your items go missing. I was robbed and getting compensation apears to be doubtful even though ... Read More