Indian expat in Saudi Arabia
2 posts
About me
Lives in Riyadh
Registration: 18 March 2015
LAWN TENNIS ON MY MIND!!!! by nb2340
:cool: anybody who is interested in playing lawn tennis during weekend/weekday...please do let me know or can guide me ....I am new to riyadh and an average tennis player ...staying near Al Olaya
Well proof is in the pudding. Why don't we try and see who kicks ass 😀 Read More
LAWN TENNIS ON MY MIND!!!! by nb2340
:cool: anybody who is interested in playing lawn tennis during weekend/weekday...please do let me know or can guide me ....I am new to riyadh and an average tennis player ...staying near Al Olaya
I also stay in Olaya...new to this place too...and interested in tennis.need to figure out how and where to play...[Moderated: Do not share any contact number on the forum] Read More