
daniel.jacobson86 Sweden


Swedish expat in Japan
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Currently working as an intern for Business Sweden in Tokyo. At the same time, I'm taking my MBA degree at Doshisha Business School and graduating in September 2016. My professional objective is to join a global value-driven organization. When I'm not in my office or at school conducting my MBA studies in global business and management studies, I'm usually found roaming around Tokyo gathering beautiful Japanese calligraphy works called "Goshuin". Uncharted territories have always fascinated me and are what brought me to the other side of the world. Something that also lies close to my heart is sharing my thoughts on this mysterious country, I'm blogging about daily encounters and experiences in Japan, both on my own blog and on Gaijinpot. I'm fascinated by different cross-culture perspectives and want to become more fluent in writing. As a person, I am a curious, emphatic and strong-minded. An example of that is winning an award for the best financial thesis in Sweden. At the moment, I'm also doing research on my master thesis concerning lean thinking and business applications of 3D printing.

I joined expat.com on 29 April 2015.

  • I can speak Swedish, English, Japanese
  • Interests Goshuin. Running. Cycle.
Activity log

Expat experience

 2016 -  2016
Tokyo, Tōkyō, Japan
 2014 -  2016
Kyoto, Kyōto, Japan
 2013 -  2014
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
 2013 -  2013
Ōsaka-shi, Ōsaka, Japan
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Exchange student

 1986 -  2012
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden