American expat in Ecuador
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Cuenca
Registration: 11 May 2015
Healthcare in Ecuador by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Ecuador ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Ecuador? Thanks in advance for sharing ...
Hi Mark, see as follows from www. retire-in-ecuador.com for their excellent Healthcare section, as follows: retire-in-ecuador.com/healthcare-in-Ecuador.html Read More
help obtaining a visa by Next23
I am trying to get a professional visa and have it prior to moving to Ecuador. Does anyone have experience/recommendations on who can help me with this in the US? What prices are reasonable for this type of assistance? Thanks in advance.
See the following Testimonials from Attorney & Abogada, Sara Chaca’s "Ecuador Visas" website and she can also get you your Visa BEFORE you arrive to Ecuador if desired by you which is called the "Visa Via-Cable" option and she has a USA office ... Read More