University lecturer in Guangzhou.
I am a university lecturer.
I joined on 25 September 2010.
Pictures by goodvillager
continuing education while I'm working
I've lived here before; I have some friends here; cleaner than all other Chinese cities
still filthy; typhoons
organizing my move back to China
I like living on the coast
getting organized for the next move
I have friends there
expensive and emotionally cold
unique landscape
too little light, too cold, lots of workplace abuse
Teaching high school - oral English Exploring countryside, villages, smallholder farms, bees
lovely surroundings, spicy food, gorgeous gardens and farms
too much meat, highly controlling and dismissive employers
various volunteer work on agricultural projects
some good learning experiences
it's Canada
volunteered as grant writer and general help with a non-profit that set up farmers' markets in low income neighbourhoods.
I felt like I was where I was supposed to be.
pursued my second masters degree - Knowledge Management and Health & Business Librarianship
winter, culture
Teaching, book editing, published my own book, studying Mandarin
lots of work opportunities, plenty to do and see
too noisy, too crowded, too polluted
Worked as both an employee at and consultant to government and universities on various health policy and research projects.
Island living, relaxed environment, beautiful scenery.
I don't belong in Canada
completed masters in quantitative psychology - taught statistics and research design, worked on a number of research projects in the fields of intelligence testing and forensic psychology
I love the US, lived in an international community. Great weather.