



Vietnamese expat in France


2 posts

About me


Registration: 01 September 2015


ChauDelapierre replied to a thread
9 years ago
Rowan Morse

What is an OFII Card? by Rowan Morse

Hello All I just arrived in Paris. I have a one year visa "Vacances Travail/Canada. Dispense Temporaire de Carte de Sejour". Does anyone know if I need an OFII Card? If so, how do I get one? Thank you!


You can work with your visa, dont need to wait for the card. Depends on your visa, for me it was 241€, somebody said 300€. Read More

ChauDelapierre replied to a thread
9 years ago
Rowan Morse

What is an OFII Card? by Rowan Morse

Hello All I just arrived in Paris. I have a one year visa "Vacances Travail/Canada. Dispense Temporaire de Carte de Sejour". Does anyone know if I need an OFII Card? If so, how do I get one? Thank you!


Hi, I went to OFII last Tuesday for the carte de sejour. You can call OFII to ask if you need the carte de sejour, but I think with the type of your visa, you dont need it. In case they say yes, you should - make a copy of your passport and your ... Read More