English looking for information about Mauritius
2 posts
About me
Lives in London
Registration: 12 November 2015
Americans in Mauritius? by Dhalgren
I've been reading this board for awhile and I enjoy it. However, I rarely see posts from other Americans. I'm wondering if there are many Americans living/spending in time in Mauritius and what their experiences might be, both good and bad? ...
I remember when I was in Mauritius in 2006/7 there was an America travel company called Orbitz.com setting up their call centre in Mauritius, not sure if they are still here, but I met quite a few Americans working for the company.... Read More
Polish people in Mauritius by Emilia26
Czesc,przyjechalam tu na stale z mezem, dziecmi i mama miesiac temu, mieszkam w Black river. Zastanawialam sie czy moze mieszkaja tu w okolicy Polacy? Emilia26
Cześć I just joined the forum, are you still in Mauritius? Read More