
Sinath Koemleang

@Sinath Koemleang


Cambodian citizen


2 posts

About me


Registration: 08 February 2016


Sinath Koemleang replied to a thread
8 years ago

Moving to PP at the end of march by Gutbuster200

Hi all I am moving to pp, although I met and have friends at the bluedog bar I was wondering where would be the best places to meet new people? Also good areas to rent a flat would be helpful ☺ Thanks

Sinath Koemleang

You are correct Mr. Mike, we should change it to 15min. if you travel these streets a lot... especially during peak hours!! it could even take you one hour... but from the Toul Sleng passing Bluedog it doesnt take us more than 10 min in the morning ... Read More

Sinath Koemleang replied to a thread
8 years ago

Moving to PP at the end of march by Gutbuster200

Hi all I am moving to pp, although I met and have friends at the bluedog bar I was wondering where would be the best places to meet new people? Also good areas to rent a flat would be helpful ☺ Thanks