



American expat in Brazil

Forum posts


About me


Speaks I speak English and am relatively proficient with Portuguese

Registration: 15 April 2016


BillBrazil replied to a thread
4 years ago

Retirement income from US by Wazzup

Hello: Am I better off receiving my social security check in my US address or directly to BR & is it more costly direct to BR? Which BR bank offers the better deal?


As soon as your dollars are transferred to reals, you begin to lose value because of inflation. Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
6 years ago

Do retired foreigners pay taxes on their pension in Brazil? by useroo

Hi everyone, me and my GF are trying to gather all relevant information for a uniao estavel visa for me so we can stay together in Rio until she can retire and travel too. The frustration is immense with Brazilian Government departments, ...


I agree with abthree. I also add that there are instances where anyone might be exempt from tax - especially certain medical diagnoses. Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
6 years ago

Health Insurance by sdcoley

Hello, I recently got a job offer in Recife, Brazil to teach English. I am wondering about health insurance. When I move there, is it wise to get health insurance beforehand or cheaper to just pay out of pocket? Any advice?


If you have permanent residence, you are eligible for service with the basic governmental program, SUS; If you want higher quality care, buy insurance. Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
7 years ago

do retirees from abroad have to pay taxes in Brasil?? by useroo

Hello to whoever is reading this who is a retiree from any non South American country now living on the so called RETIREMENT VISA in Brazil - hence those who would know first hand how it all actually works, right?? Yesterday i read through another ...


Regarding money of Brazilian residents in offshore accounts. The law requires that all assets outside Brazil be identified on the annual income tax return. Each person must decide regarding compliance. Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
7 years ago

Paying bills in Brazil by Priscilla

Hello everyone, What bills do you pay? If you are renting, are bills included in the price of rent, and is this common practice in Brazil? How can you pay your bills (e.g. online, at provider's store, at the post office)? Which is the most ...


While internet service leaves much to be desired, I have found that a request to the companies to mail a fatura provides me with advance notice sufficient to pay the bills online on time to avoid multas. In some instances, I prefer to authorize ... Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
7 years ago

do retirees from abroad have to pay taxes in Brasil?? by useroo

Hello to whoever is reading this who is a retiree from any non South American country now living on the so called RETIREMENT VISA in Brazil - hence those who would know first hand how it all actually works, right?? Yesterday i read through another ...


An afterthought. If the relationship is serious - maybe marriage is the better option. That is another way to get a permanent visa. Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
7 years ago

do retirees from abroad have to pay taxes in Brasil?? by useroo

Hello to whoever is reading this who is a retiree from any non South American country now living on the so called RETIREMENT VISA in Brazil - hence those who would know first hand how it all actually works, right?? Yesterday i read through another ...


This is a quote from Wikepedia Foreign nationals aged over 60 can apply for a permanent visa if they have a pension of at least US$2,000 per month and will transfer it to Brazil every month. Visas may also issued to dependants, but there is a ... Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
7 years ago

do retirees from abroad have to pay taxes in Brasil?? by useroo

Hello to whoever is reading this who is a retiree from any non South American country now living on the so called RETIREMENT VISA in Brazil - hence those who would know first hand how it all actually works, right?? Yesterday i read through another ...


Brazilian law requires that income from any source, including government retirement payments, above a specified amount is taxable income. If you transfer your income to a Brazilian bank, the government will know your income. If you withdraw your ... Read More

BillBrazil replied to a thread
8 years ago
Cabo Frio

Dilma's government breaking up by Cabo Frio

So now it is (finally) official - PT's biggest coalition partner, PMBD, is leaving the government and several ministers has already ...


The court simply doesn't want egg on its face. If Dilma is suspended by the senate for 180 days, it would no longer make sense to deal with the issue of Lula being a minister. If that happens, everything for Lula will revert to Curitiba. Read More

BillBrazil created a thread
8 years ago

Retiring to live in Brazil

My decision to eventually live in Brazil, after retirement, was made in 1982. I had become acquainted with Brazil in 1976 as a result of an invitation to teach group psychotherapy methods to a large group of established psychiatrists and clinical ... Read More