Filipino expat in Belgium
4 posts
About me
Registration: 14 July 2016
Bring Non-EU parent to live permanently by solexhonda
Hi, Is it possible for Non-EU parents of EU citizens to come over and live permanently in Belgium? I knew it was possible earlier but apparently some rules changed in 2011 but Im not finding any latest info about it. Thanks for any input.
I might have sent you the incorrect link. My apologies *** Here's the link https://dofi.ibz.be/sites/dvzoe/EN/Application-guides/Pages/Ascendants_Art40bis.aspx0 I will send it on your inbox as well. Read More
Bring Non-EU parent to live permanently by solexhonda
Hi, Is it possible for Non-EU parents of EU citizens to come over and live permanently in Belgium? I knew it was possible earlier but apparently some rules changed in 2011 but Im not finding any latest info about it. Thanks for any input.
https://dofi.ibz.be/sites/dvzoe/EN/Application-guides/Pages/Ascendants_Art40bis.aspx All they have to do is to prove that their parents are dependent on them. Read More
Bring Non-EU parent to live permanently by solexhonda
Hi, Is it possible for Non-EU parents of EU citizens to come over and live permanently in Belgium? I knew it was possible earlier but apparently some rules changed in 2011 but Im not finding any latest info about it. Thanks for any input.
This is possible. Look for article 40 bis in belgium embassy's website. Read More