
khmer2016 Cambodia


Cambodian citizen
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My name is Rith Aetipol and I am real estate agent in Phnom Pneh , Cambodia also I have 7 years with the Real estate Service both sale and rent, my faecbook page is https://www.facebook.com/phnompenhrealty2106 and my website is https://phnompenh-realty.blogspot.com.

I am a male. I am 35 and I was born on 02 May 1989.

I am single. I am self-employed. I am F GM Real Estate Service.

I joined expat.com on 04 August 2016.

  • I can speak My first language is Khmer , second is English and I also speak Chinese.
  • Interests Surfing on the Internet, I like to research, up date and find new .
Activity log
  • khmer2016
    joined the Phnom Penh expat community

Expat experience

I would like to move there
Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
I am currently living here
Phnom Penh, Cambodia