4 posts
About me
Registration: 19 April 2007
American living in Australia by suzerz
Hi all, I'm originally from Chicago, lived mostly in England for the past year and a half, and am now in Australia (with my partner, who is from here). Suzer
Gosh not sure yet. I've only been here a month, so I'm not quite 'into it' yet. I would have to say the stars and the trees;) Read More
American living in Australia by suzerz
Hi all, I'm originally from Chicago, lived mostly in England for the past year and a half, and am now in Australia (with my partner, who is from here). Suzer
Hey there, I'm in Adelaide and was doing an MA in Leeds but lived in London the last few months I was in England. England was good but I wouldn't have wanted to settle there--not enough sun;) Suz Read More
American living in Australia
Hi all, I'm originally from Chicago, lived mostly in England for the past year and a half, and am now in Australia (with my partner, who is from here). Suzer Read More
Where does your partner/husband/wife/lover/mate/darling come from ? by Tôm Cà ng
Hi everyone, This poll seems confused but the truth is, it's kinda simple but needs explanation cause there are 3 variables: 1-2) same nationality/same as country: (A) your dumpling stayed at home and you went abroad and (B) hey ! I assumed you ...
I'm American and my partner is Australian. We met in England and are moving to New Zealand for a year in 2 months---confused? Read More