I am a retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, and Certified Domestic Violence Therapist. I was born and grew up in northeastern Oklahoma and spent most of my working years in Texas. I am a legally married, gay man with an Ecuadorian husband. He and I have been very patiently awaiting the USCIS to complete Antonio's visa status adjustment "green card" status. He can then acquire a driver's license in The Commonwealth of Kentucky, our home state in The United States Of America. He wants to earn a master's degree in economics and finance at either Northern Kentucky University or The University of Cincinnati. Antonio and I plan on coming to Ecuador after he's completed his education here in the States. I have one son and one daughter who live close by us. We see them at least once a week and usually twice, so we're aware that moving to Ecuador will require family adjustments. Also, we are quite active in The Episcopal Church, a part of The Church Of England (in The Anglican Communion) and we know that Roman Catholicism is the dominant Christian tradition in countries south of the Rio Grande. We also know, first hand, that the official position within the Roman Catholic hierarchy is homophobic even though many priests are, themselves, closeted. Antonio and I are considering a move to Cuenca as well as Quito, the city in which Antonio was born and raised.
I am a male.
I am married. I am retired. I am a mental health professional. I also have a 100% service-connected disabilities compensation rating from injuries sustained as a United States Army soldier during the Vietnam War Era..
I joined expat.com on 02 February 2017.