Slovenian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ljubljana
Registration: 22 January 2011

Hoping to study in Ljubljana. Looking for Slovenian friends! by Damjo
Hi I'm Aleks from Sydney, Australia and I'm hoping to study in Ljubljana in October 2011. I am hoping to experience life in a new city as this will be the first time I'm travelling and living abroad. I'm 20 years old and I only speak English as ...

P.s. Look at my profile picture - thats the view from the skyscrapper on the castle and city center of Ljubljana. Read More

Hoping to study in Ljubljana. Looking for Slovenian friends! by Damjo
Hi I'm Aleks from Sydney, Australia and I'm hoping to study in Ljubljana in October 2011. I am hoping to experience life in a new city as this will be the first time I'm travelling and living abroad. I'm 20 years old and I only speak English as ...

Hello, I'm sorry you had to wait for my answer. You are planing a nice trip across Europe! In your situation I would do the same. :cool: You said you are waiting for the answers from the universities. So it is not secure that you'll study in ... Read More

Hoping to study in Ljubljana. Looking for Slovenian friends! by Damjo
Hi I'm Aleks from Sydney, Australia and I'm hoping to study in Ljubljana in October 2011. I am hoping to experience life in a new city as this will be the first time I'm travelling and living abroad. I'm 20 years old and I only speak English as ...

Hello, I'm Bostjan from a city next to Ljubljana. It's nice to see that Australians are also coming to Slovenia and not online Slovenians to Australia. :) Warm welcome! :cool: You said you'll start at our university in october 2011. What are you ... Read More