Thai citizen
2 posts
About me
Lives in Thai
Registration: 10 March 2011
Looking to buy a condo in bangkok + need a reliable real estate agent by Goingnutsinchina
I'm currently living in China but plan to move over to Bangkok in about a year. I'm trying to buy a condo, but am finding difficulty in finding reliable estate agents who answer your emails. I've already been over to Bangkok and tried to make ...
Another way to try is just looking for service apartments for living in a short time. Or let try this website for a real estate agency. era.com/ Read More
Wanting to move to Thailand... Advice needed by Scouser
Hi all What advice can anyone offer me on my desire to live in Thailand? There is so much conflicting information on the internet. Your honest feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hi Scouser, I'm Kim and living in Bangkok, Thailand. Just want to recomment you the place where you shouldn't miss. There are many retired foreigners spend their vacations there. ================================== Located on the sunrise side of ... Read More