Vietnamese looking for information about New Zealand
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Registration: 24 April 2018

Visa for Laos Girlfriend by Jiimmy
Hi. May anyone please help and advise. I would like to take my Laos Girlfriend to the UK for a visa. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated Thank you

Tough one to pull off. She needs to be employed in Laos with decent income. A nice balance in the bank. Clean Police record. All in All, its a headache Read More

Why don't Vietnamese understand Vietnamese spoken by a foreigner? by I do believe
Having lived in Vietnam for 6 years and studied Vietnamese at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities it never ceases to amaze me that if I speak and pronounce a Vietnamese phrase perfectly to most Vietnamese, they don't understand me. ...

We never ask "khỏe không" It would really bother me if another Vietnamese asks me that. It would mean I look or seem somewhat not well so they have to ask if Im ok. Read More

Study certificates. by marcomilano
Hi guys ! I’ m new in Hanoi and dealing with work permit on Monday. My Vietnam company will take me to Italian Embassy on Monday to get a certified true copy of my degree certificate, enough they say for legalisation. Somebody Italian or ...

So how was it? Read More

Vietnamese Girfriend by SIVAGAIT
Hi, I am a 56-year old professional from Canada; single at the present time. While visiting Vietnam last year and on my way to Danang, I met a 21-year old Vietnamese girl who is a university student in the USA. We started talking and became ...

are you really 56? This has nothing to do with her being Vietnamese. No parents in the world want their 20 something daughter to marry an old bag like you. Go to America with her. Dont settle in Viet Nam. Its a disaster Read More

ESL center question: Universities, Public Schools or English Centers? by Cinda001
Hello, I'm considering a move to HCM this summer and I'm doing research. 1 I hold a BA, TEFL, some ESL experience, 13 years professional work history. 2 Visited Vietnam several times, a total of about 9 weeks there (laughable to some of ...

its best to aim for big name English Center in the Area. Work there for a few months. If you like it then stay, if not, you will have a very good reference point for whatever comes next. Even private tutoring can pay well. Read More

! Vietnamese come here by hellothere2018
Hello! What Vietnamese people think about Americans in 2018? Do they like Americans\neutral\dislike them? You can answer really short, like + (like) or - (dislike). PLEASE I REALLY NEED YOUR SINCERE THOUGHTS, brothers. PLEASE.

Even the Chinese are welcomed. Wars are over. No hard feelings Read More

Boxing Club in Hanoi by Chris123Low
Hello everyone! I was wondering if people knew of any good boxing clubs around, preferably in the Cau Giay district? Thank you

Boxing is not a thing here. Sry mate Read More

Language exchange and make friends in Hanoi by Helen_9x
Hi everyone, I'm a girl who live in Hanoi. I'm looking for new foreign friends who help me practicing english. If you wanna learn Vietnamese or know more about country's culture. We can help each others. . Let's be friend together ...

hey you can practice with me. Im Vietnamese and my English aint bad :D Read More

Volunteer Hanoi by luckyhuynh
Hi guys, I just moved to Hanoi from the USA for a month or so now and looking to volunteer on my free time. I am pretty free during the daytime since I work in the evening. If anyone has volunteered in Hanoi before and can guide me to the right ...

Hey nice to see someone willing to volunteer to anything. There are plenty of Charity Groups, Charity Tours for you to sign up. Question is, do you need some kind of certificate or proof of your participant for later use (in your resume etc) ? Read More

Police clearance by irh41
Hi, I hope soon to be travelling to Vietnam. I hopefully have work lined up for August/ September 2018. At the time of posting all my documents, including UK police check are up to date, notarised, legalised etc. If I were to arrive tomorrow to ...

Apply for it before you leave. Get it sent to Viet Nam if needed. To be honest, I dont think it matters that much since by the time you renew your Visa, you will have already been here for months Read More

Where to buy high quality fabric by Stephen@VN
I'm looking to buy high quality silk/cotton blend fabric - any suggested shops would be appreciated.

Google : Lang lua Ha Dong Follow the Google Maps directions Use Google translate to bargain there. It is the best place in Vietnam to get high quality silk If you want to buy bulk then its a different story Read More

Should I come in on a 3 or 6 month visa ? by kianahumphreys
Hi everyone, I am Kiana. I am currently just completing the end of my TEFL English course and I am looking to come to Vietnam and teach English. I just want to ask what sort of visa would be best to come into the country on? A 3 month or 6 month ...

just get the 3 month Visa. Renewing your Visa in Vietnam is easy. Once you have acquired a job, it will be a piece of cake Read More

Finding a rental that allows pets by GuestPoster090723
Hi I'll be moving over to Hanoi in July and am wondering what the status is like finding rental properties that allow cats. I'm trying to avoid a high-rise rental although my cats are indoor boys. I'll be looking in the Hai ba Trung ...

In Ha Noi, any apartment above 5 mil VND per month is basically pet friendly. Just make sure your pets are well trained and keep the noise down at night (if any). Hanoi rental apartments tend to have thin ceilings and even thinner walls Read More

Foreigner buying apartment in Vietnam by HP thao
Dear all, As stated in the subject, we'd like to buy an apartment and we'd need to know the do and Don't, traps to be cautious about. Some info: - we don't have for now Vietnamese passport, nationalities or certificate of Vietnamese ...

Have you downed any payment? If not then stop and wait for your Vietnamese papers and status to really settle before planning on purchasing any real estate. Projects are mushrooming up everyday so dont worry about scarcity. Hire real professionals. Read More

New members of the Vietnam forum, introduce yourselves here - 2018 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Vietnam forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Vietnamese boy in Ha Noi here. Looking to make new friends. Read More