
Ayton Park North

@Ayton Park North


Scottish expat in Türkiye


2 posts

About me


Lives in Bodrum, Mugla

Registration: 30 April 2018


Ayton Park North replied to a thread
6 years ago
David Priestman

Trying to find an old friend ! by David Priestman

Hello everyone . Hope someone can help !!! I am trying to locate an old work collegue who I have lost touch with . His name is Alan Lindsay I believe he lives in Joao Pessoa and is married to a brazillian woman called erica . He is from Scotland ...

Ayton Park North

Will do Dave. I see you have moved from Torrevieja to Bulgaria. I actually tried to trace you in Spain a few years ago ( 3 years after Alan and I had delivered your shed etc ) but the place had expanded so much in such a short time that nothing was ... Read More

Ayton Park North replied to a thread
6 years ago
David Priestman

Trying to find an old friend ! by David Priestman

Hello everyone . Hope someone can help !!! I am trying to locate an old work collegue who I have lost touch with . His name is Alan Lindsay I believe he lives in Joao Pessoa and is married to a brazillian woman called erica . He is from Scotland ...

Ayton Park North

Hi Dave. He is still in Jaoa Pessoa . I am no longer in touch with him but am meeting up with a friend next week who is still very close to Alan and still in touch with him. Read More