
Jorge Lopez

Jorge Lopez

@Jorge Lopez


Honduran citizen

Forum posts




About me


Lives in La Ceiba

Speaks Spanish and English

Registration: 22 April 2011


Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
last year

Property with no title by troywinnie

Owner bought the property with no title. Telling us we don't need one? Sounds fishy.

Jorge Lopez

In Honduras a person (honduran or foreigner) may have and exercise Possession of a Property without having TITLE on It.The possession allows to whoever has the property to Request the Full Ownership ("Dominio Pleno") from the City-Municipality that ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
last year
Konrad Zwio

Getting citizenship of Honduras by Konrad Zwio

Hello everyone! May I get the citizenship of Honduras by marriage? And how long will take?

Jorge Lopez

@Konrad ZwioYes, You may obtain Honduran Citizenship by marriage.My name is JORGE LOPEZ and *** Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
4 years ago

Driving from Canada to La Cieba Honduras by KirkinUtila

Hello Everyone, We are looking at our options as we are moving to our new home in Utila Honduras and we have a dog, cat and a 11 year old daughter as coming with us. Our dog is 6 years old and has some anxiety and emotional issues and we are very ...

Jorge Lopez

The trip itself would be an adventure, especially during this Pandemic. I'm not sure how difficult (or safe, from a health point of view) It would be to go through USA, Mexico and Guatemala. What I do know if that You may "bring" the ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
4 years ago

residency requirement by Betancourt46

I was told that if I apply for recidency as married to an Honduran citizen I must be married at least 2 years. Is this 2 years requirement true??

Jorge Lopez

Señor Betancourt: Mi opinión y colaboración la proporciono en base a lo que indica la Ley; desconozco los fundamentos para la obtención de un Permiso de Residencia por Matrimonio cuando aún NO se han cumplido los Tres (3) ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
4 years ago

residency requirement by Betancourt46

I was told that if I apply for recidency as married to an Honduran citizen I must be married at least 2 years. Is this 2 years requirement true??

Jorge Lopez

Article 36 of the Law of Migration of Honduras states that a Foreign that gets married to a Honduran may obtain a Residency Permit based on that marriage. Article 37 of the Bylaws of the Law of Migration of Honduras states that a Foreign that gets ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
4 years ago

90 days visa by Betancourt46

I was told recently that Honduras will charge 3500 limpiras if you overstay your visa for six months and 7500 limpiras up to a year. This is much cheaper than leaving the country after 90 days Have anybody hear this from imigration

Jorge Lopez

You may see http://www.trabajo.gob.hn/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tabla-Salario-Minimo-2020.pdf to verify the Minimum Wage for 2020. The fine for overstaying your Visa as a Tourist may be from Lps.3,381.50 to Lps.20,288.10; the exchange rate to the ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
4 years ago

90 days visa by Betancourt46

I was told recently that Honduras will charge 3500 limpiras if you overstay your visa for six months and 7500 limpiras up to a year. This is much cheaper than leaving the country after 90 days Have anybody hear this from imigration

Jorge Lopez

The usual term granted to a Foreigner visiting Honduras is 90 days, which may be extended for 30 more days (once) by requesting the extension at a Migration Office and paying US$20.00. After the 90 or 120 days are expired, the Fine for overstaying ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
5 years ago

Residency Cancellation by kregnelson

We are leaving Honduras in a few weeks after having lived here for 4 years with residency. What is required to leave and cancel residency to avoid any penalties if we return to visit at some later date?

Jorge Lopez

Dear Kregnelson: Depending on the fact that if what You have is a Special Permit or a Residency, You're allowed to stay out of Honduras for up to 6 or 12 months, without any penalty. If You plan on staying out of Honduras longer than that, then ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
6 years ago

Confusión about police record and fbi background. by Simplysweet8

Hello, I went to my police station and got police record/good conduct.I live in Idaho..where to apostille this paper? From the state or us deptrtment of the state?? I need fbi background check..Where do I need to apostille this paper? I feel ...

Jorge Lopez

If You're applying for a Residency in Honduras, all that You need is a Police Record from the CITY where You have your usual legal address. The city's Police or Sheriff Department will issue a Record that should be authenticated by the ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
6 years ago

Marriage to an Honduras by Betancourt46

I am about to get married to an Honduran lady. Once this is done, what do I need to get my residency in Honduras.

Jorge Lopez

You have to apply for a Residency Permit, with a status of HONDURAN RELATIVE. For that, You will need to hire an Attorney who will file your petition, attaching to the file: a Migration Report from the Migration Office of Honduras; a Copy of your ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
6 years ago

Bank account in Honduras by Whalenpeggy5

Okay my question is if I live in the United States and I want to save money and put it in a bank in Honduras can I do that or do I have to send it to somebody in Honduras to put it in a bank account for me please get back with me thank you

Jorge Lopez

The general policy of the Central (Government) Bank of Honduras is to restrain the private banks from opening Accounts to Foreigners that DO NOT have a Residency Permit. That, however, is sometimes done with the approval of the Bank's Manager if ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
9 years ago
Lost Sock

Retirement Requirements? by Lost Sock

My wife and i are looking to retire to Roatan, on the various sites we have looked at it states retirement income per month to be $1500. So is that $3000 per month for a couple?.

Jorge Lopez

Deear Lost Sock: The Migration Laws of Honduras state that a Retired person may apply for Residency on a US$1,500.00 monthly pension and that allows the applicant to obtain the same benefit for his/her spouse. In other words, You only need to prove ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
9 years ago

Buying a lot in Roatan - how to proceed? Please help by Bluewaters7

What's the procedure. I have a piece of land I'm interested in. The seller tells me to wire him a deposit of 5000 but I have not seen a true survey of the actual lot. From there, would I not retain my own attorney to handle the ...

Jorge Lopez

Hello Bluewaters7: My name is JORGE LOPEZ and I'm an Attorney with offices in La Ceiba, but I also handle legal matters for several clients in the Bay Islands. Any Real Estate Property deal must start with the exchange of a Purchase Agreement, ... Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez created a thread
10 years ago

American Notary in Honduras

I have a Client that is requiring an American Notary currently in Honduras; please contact me at xxx if You happen to know of one.- My phone number is xxx Thanks, JORGE LOPEZ Read More

Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez replied to a thread
13 years ago

Buying property in Honduras by Christine

Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Honduras? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Honduras? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...

Jorge Lopez

Hello Christine: YES, a foreigner can purchase Real Estate Property in Honduras and the process is fairly simple. The only limitation that our laws (our Constitution) states for a foreigner is related to property that is located within a 40 ... Read More