New memberAmerican looking for information about France
4 posts
About me
Lives in Pau, Aquitaine Region
Speaks French (basic- 4 years grammar in highschool but no practice) Spanish (conversational- 9 months in Mexico, Cuba, Argentina).
Registration: 31 July 2018
Bordeaux or Bilbao by EzraMatthewHug
Hi, My wife, two kids (Henry 3 and Harper 5) are planning to move to France (Bordeaux, outskirts of Paris, or Pau) from Brooklyn, NY. Goal is to be close enough to a major town with an affordable bilingual French/English school but outside of ...
Appreciate the feedback! We’re going to spend a week in the region between Bilbao and Bordeaux to narrow down options to 2 and then do as you suggest: do an Airbnb for a few weeks in each location to see which resonates. Read More
Bordeaux or Bilbao
Hi, My wife, two kids (Henry 3 and Harper 5) are planning to move to France (Bordeaux, outskirts of Paris, or Pau) from Brooklyn, NY. Goal is to be close enough to a major town with an affordable bilingual French/English school but outside of ... Read More