Barry O'Neill
MemberIrish looking for information about Spain
3 posts
Quick infos
Lives in meath
Registration: 05 June 2011
Are there any Irish people living in Madrid ? by CRL
Just moved here with my girlfriend last month from Dublin. Wondering if there are any Irish people / clubs in Madrid. Thank you
hey CRL, I am having trouble getting an apartment. ive been sending e-mails on idealista but im not hearing back from anyone. would i be better off contacting real estate and going down that road? Read More
Are there any Irish people living in Madrid ? by CRL
Just moved here with my girlfriend last month from Dublin. Wondering if there are any Irish people / clubs in Madrid. Thank you
Hey CRL, my family and I are moving over next month. I just got a job in Barajas airport. were from meath. whats it like over there? Read More