


New member

Canadian expat in Vietnam


8 posts



About me


Registration: 21 March 2019


maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Getting the company to prove that they are paying taxes on your behalf by maximmm

Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the company I'm working for to prove that they are paying taxes on my behalf and not pocketing the money instead? I've asked this company to provide me with the red invoice, but they ...


This is my second year here (with this company) - so, in theory, I should be registered. Again, thanks. Read More

maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Getting the company to prove that they are paying taxes on your behalf by maximmm

Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the company I'm working for to prove that they are paying taxes on my behalf and not pocketing the money instead? I've asked this company to provide me with the red invoice, but they ...


Have you received a tax file number?Ah - I've heard something about that. Interesting. Is it possible for me to request a tax number from my company in order for me to file an inquiry with the ministry of finance? That is, is my company ... Read More

maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Getting the company to prove that they are paying taxes on your behalf by maximmm

Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the company I'm working for to prove that they are paying taxes on my behalf and not pocketing the money instead? I've asked this company to provide me with the red invoice, but they ...


To the tax authorities? Thanks! Read More

maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Business visa denied due to "violating laws of Vietnam" - Blacklisted? by kowloon2020

Hello, I am from Western Europe, working in Hong Kong and I applied for a 3-month Vietnam business visa via an agency. I got an email from the agent telling me that I was denied, as the immigration told them "I have violated the laws of ...


Err..... that's not true at all. VN does accept VN Dong.Of course within the country immigration accepts and wants VND for visas, but jana611 may be correct with respect to overseas consulates. Drop by the Vietnamese Embassy in Toronto and I ... Read More

maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Business visa denied due to "violating laws of Vietnam" - Blacklisted? by kowloon2020

Hello, I am from Western Europe, working in Hong Kong and I applied for a 3-month Vietnam business visa via an agency. I got an email from the agent telling me that I was denied, as the immigration told them "I have violated the laws of ...


In fact ^,...VN Immigration refuses to accept its own national currency for payment of any visa. That ^ is a very strange story of its own,..to say the least.Err..... that's not true at all. VN does accept VN Dong.Of course within the country ... Read More

maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Getting the company to prove that they are paying taxes on your behalf by maximmm

Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the company I'm working for to prove that they are paying taxes on my behalf and not pocketing the money instead? I've asked this company to provide me with the red invoice, but they ...

maximmm replied to a thread
5 years ago

Business visa denied due to "violating laws of Vietnam" - Blacklisted? by kowloon2020

Hello, I am from Western Europe, working in Hong Kong and I applied for a 3-month Vietnam business visa via an agency. I got an email from the agent telling me that I was denied, as the immigration told them "I have violated the laws of ...


In fact ^,...VN Immigration refuses to accept its own national currency for payment of any visa. That ^ is a very strange story of its own,..to say the least.Err..... that's not true at all. VN does accept VN Dong. Read More

maximmm created a thread
5 years ago

Getting the company to prove that they are paying taxes on your behalf

Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the company I'm working for to prove that they are paying taxes on my behalf and not pocketing the money instead? I've asked this company to provide me with the red invoice, but they ... Read More