



American citizen


3 posts

About me


Registration: 03 June 2019


Leftystrummer replied to a thread
5 years ago

Food safety - fruits and vegetables by cshelly12

I have heard that fruits and vegetable can be unsafe here in the DR due to poor water sanitation. I've been told only to eat fruits and veggies that I have peeled myself. However, there are a ton of vegetables that aren't typically peeled ...


That's great for you that you can eat whatever you want there. But people that don't travel a lot aren't used to those bacterias and can get very ill. My friend's wife is Dominican and even she uses the Clorox method for raw foods. ... Read More

Leftystrummer replied to a thread
5 years ago

Safest way to wash veggies/fruits in DR? by lehmansa

How do you safely wash raw veggies like salads?


I have many Dominican friends and they all insist that the Clorox bleach method is the way to go. Demi I know you are just voicing your opinion but I would not talk any people from Canada or the US out of using this method just because you ... Read More

Leftystrummer replied to a thread
5 years ago

Food safety - fruits and vegetables by cshelly12

I have heard that fruits and vegetable can be unsafe here in the DR due to poor water sanitation. I've been told only to eat fruits and veggies that I have peeled myself. However, there are a ton of vegetables that aren't typically peeled ...


I have had numerous friends in the Dominican Republic who cook a lot. They never use vinegar to clean salad they use it to clean chicken. To clean salad they use Clorox bleach just a small capful in a whole Basin of water. They soak the lettuce ... Read More