Cuban expat in Ecuador
6 posts
About me
Lives in Cuenca
Registration: 27 June 2011
Misc. questions about Cuenca by gatorcreek
1) Any estimate of how many Americans are living in Cuenca? 2) Is there an American Baptist church there? If not, is there an interest in starting one? 3) Can a diabetic get insulin there? Any idea of the cost of prescriptions compared to the ...
Hi Sharlied, You can get contact lenses and prescribed glasses,they are a little expensive for the average cuencano.There are ATM machines everywhere,and the banks make it easy to open an account.Let me know if you want too know more about ... Read More
Moving to Cuenca by Mountain Couple
Hi all, If you have moved from the U.S.A. and are now living in Cuenca we would like to talk to you about your life there and the ins and outs of moving and living there.
Hi Mountain Couple, What do you want to know?. T.T.P Read More
Misc. questions about Cuenca by gatorcreek
1) Any estimate of how many Americans are living in Cuenca? 2) Is there an American Baptist church there? If not, is there an interest in starting one? 3) Can a diabetic get insulin there? Any idea of the cost of prescriptions compared to the ...
The name of the place is Carolina Bookstore in Hermano Miguel y Calle Larga,but I don't know how to contact him through email or celular phone ,try to Google it. Take care. Tania Read More
Misc. questions about Cuenca by gatorcreek
1) Any estimate of how many Americans are living in Cuenca? 2) Is there an American Baptist church there? If not, is there an interest in starting one? 3) Can a diabetic get insulin there? Any idea of the cost of prescriptions compared to the ...
Hi Gatercreek, You can get health insurance and it is cheaper than USA, Insuline is available and the price is between 45 and 55 dolars. Potatoes are a big deal in Ecuador ,easy to find everywhere and different varieties.No problem with meat ... Read More
Quiero vivir en Cuenca by peperios
Estimados amigos, Estoy considerando seriamente ir a vivir a Cuenca (Ecuador). Agradezco cualquier información sobre los pasos a seguir para la formalización de la documentación necesaria, etc. Gracias anticipadas a todos. Un abrazo desde ...
Hola Vicente, Ya hace algún tiempo que escribió pero si aún está interesado en venir a Ecuador,escribame directamente y podré ayudarle.Mi correo es taniatata68@yahoo.com. Chao; Tania Read More
Cost of Living in Cuenca--Some Helpful Sites by mickisue
Many people are curious/concerned about the cost of living in Cuenca, and in Ecuador as a whole. Rightly so, as we all have our limits of what we can spend to live, no matter if those limits are relatively high, or relatively low. Here are some ...
Hi Mickisue, I have been living in Cuenca for a year now,and almost 2 in Ecuador. Cuenca is the most expensive city in Ecuador,but it is worth it,it is not as cold as Quito and the people are very,very nice,the crime is very low.You can find a two ... Read More