Italian expat in Cambodia
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Registration: 15 July 2009

Making friends by linda.ung
Hey all, If anyone is keen to make friend with me, you are free to contact me :) Linda

yeah , it's me Read More

Mobile phone operators/Internet providers in Phnom Penh by AnnieD
Hi, Who are the most reasonable priced mobile phone operators in Phnom Penh for local and international calls? And, Internet providers? Annie

i agree with knyom. Metfone is the cheapest when it comes to ADSL service and their mobile phone service is a steal too. I'm using currently using their ADSL service $35/month with 2.5 GB cap (they will charge if you exceed), speed is ok, but have ... Read More

How to find a job in Cambodia by expat.com
Hi, Are you an expat living in Cambodia? Let's share your experience! What is the best way to find a job in Cambodia? The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Cambodia. Recruitment ...

another good way to find a job here are the classified ads in the Cambodia Daily and the Phnom Penh Post. to volunteer, visit www.volunteerincambodia.com or the website of ngo forum www.ngoforum.org.kh. I should admit that volunteering is the most ... Read More

Mobile phone operators/Internet providers in Phnom Penh by AnnieD
Hi, Who are the most reasonable priced mobile phone operators in Phnom Penh for local and international calls? And, Internet providers? Annie

now, without any doubt, it is Metfone who runs the show here. ADSL( optical fibers) at 30 USD / month and cheap mobile web surfing .Cheap calls, too, and for 14 bucks they were giving a Sim Card and a phone, too !;) Read More

How to find a job in Cambodia by expat.com
Hi, Are you an expat living in Cambodia? Let's share your experience! What is the best way to find a job in Cambodia? The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Cambodia. Recruitment ...

the most popular is bongthom.com , it is free of charge and you can have a broader range of jobs,not only in Phnom Penh, they send you by e-mail a daily newsletter with the new ads.;) Read More

How to find a job by saulpena
Hi you all. I've been to Phnom Penh, I spent a full three weeks there during the rainy season of 2007. I absolutely fell in love with the place, felt like home along and across. What I did not experience was the ins and outs of actually setting ...

post a classified in http://bongthom.com, you have to register first good luck Read More

looking for a lost daughter from 1975 by shanti shanti
Hi all! MR. PHLONG VATH and his wife KUOM YORN are deperately looking for their lost daughter THEAVY, their 5th of 7 children. She was about 6 when she was separated from her parents in 1975 in Phnom Penh. Rumors were spread that she was brought to ...

well, if they have lost contact since 1975, that is the year of the fall of Lon Nol regime and the start of the KR years. I know that some people get info about displaced people in that period at Cambodia Documentation Center ( website: ... Read More

visas by jeff morrell
Hi, My wife and my 11 year old daughter are about to move to Cambodia early next year and we have not got a set plan in place but we are thinking of running a small guesthouse, are there any problems with the athorities with that idea.How difficult ...

you can get a business visa on arrival, which you will have then to extend (you can have 3,6 months ,1 year extensions).Until now there is no sign this practice will be changed; there has been a recent influx of Africans formerly living in Bangkok ... Read More

Do and don't in Cambodia by expat.com
Are you living in Cambodia? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :) Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Cambodia? Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Cambodia? Thanks!

sorry, Julien , I was just trying to be funny. Read More

Making friends by linda.ung
Hey all, If anyone is keen to make friend with me, you are free to contact me :) Linda

me, for sure, if you are the one on the picture, pls gimme your e-mail:lol: Read More

Cost of living for an expat by Cdove
I am a girl from Malaysia and currently considering employment in Phnom Penh and would like to know the approximate cost of living including housing, food, clothing, clubs and pubs, internet and public transportations/or driving around for ...

costs? the same , more or less, you would end up paying in malaysia, but with less frills and comforts Read More

How to make friends in Cambodia by expat.com
We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Cambodia :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Cambodia?? Thanks in ...

the number of local friends you can have here is directly proportional with the number of banknotes you keep in your valet Read More

Serviced Apartments in Phnom Penh that accept a cat by AnnieD
Hi, Does anyone in Phnom Penh know of a serviced apartment that will accept a cat for one week while I look for a flat to rent? Annie

they usually accept only rats and cockroaches , but I 'm pretty sure they won't make a problem for a cat Read More

getting married in cambodia by Sliz
Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. My partner and I would like to get married in Cambodia as soon as possible (we're both Australian citizens). We're getting some mixed messages about what paperwork is required. As long as a marriage undertaken ...

get married downunder, save yaself lotta money and troubles. Read More

Do and don't in Cambodia by expat.com
Are you living in Cambodia? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :) Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Cambodia? Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Cambodia? Thanks!

do? : everything you would not do back home don't?: everything you would do back home simple. Read More