


New member

American looking for information about Mexico


4 posts



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Lives in San Francisco (San Pancho), Gu

Registration: 31 March 2020


sspc replied to a thread
last year

Victims of fraud.need help by bollicina3

Hello everyone i got scammed together with my sons by a person who writes here in expat.comHis nickname is craig pawson and he is putting posts to recruit people for a supposes job in canada for Chelsea hotel in toronto.We exchanged different emails ...


@bollicina3 Put a freeze on all 3 credit reporting agencies, transunion, experian and equifax. Cancel all credit cards. call your banks and transfer accounts to new numbers with two step verification. Read More

sspc replied to a thread
last year

Sargassum levels 2023 by sspc

Hello,Can someone tell me the current situation (April 2023) with the seaweed levels at Puerto Vallarta beaches?Thank you


Yes, that was confirmed. Thank yo ufor taking the time Read More

sspc created a thread
last year

Sargassum levels 2023

Hello,Can someone tell me the current situation (April 2023) with the seaweed levels at Puerto Vallarta beaches?Thank you Read More

sspc replied to a thread
3 years ago
Adam Sienkiewicz

usa house prices and rent by Adam Sienkiewicz

Hello. As I can see, house prices per square foot are much cheaper than in Europe. Why do Americans rent a house cheaply? Why is this so much homelessness? I can see that the prices are only 50% higher than Poland.


Hello, your question assumes everyone is financially stable with the same opportunities. This is not the case anywhere in the world. What seems reasonbalbel to one is out of reach for another. Read More