Pakistani looking for information about Malaysia
2 posts
About me
Registration: 17 August 2011
Finally got an Offer for RM11000..need Tax Help! by vinayd
Hi Folks, after a long hiatus of negotiations I have got a final offer of RM 11k per month. Would like to know what is the tax rate on the amount? whether the tax is deducted on monthly basis? how will be my mode of payment(typically I heard ...
I did some digging myself and came up with certain calculation. There is a PCB (Monthly Income Tax) Chart. It dictates the amount to be charged based on salary. For general idea the calculation goes like this: Note: This calculation is based on ... Read More
Finally got an Offer for RM11000..need Tax Help! by vinayd
Hi Folks, after a long hiatus of negotiations I have got a final offer of RM 11k per month. Would like to know what is the tax rate on the amount? whether the tax is deducted on monthly basis? how will be my mode of payment(typically I heard ...
Hi Folks, after a long hiatus of negotiations I have got a final offer of RM 11k per month. Would like to know what is the tax rate on the amount? How I can save on my taxes? VindsHi tax rates are on the first 2,500 0% ... Read More