Indian expat in England
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Lives in Manchester
Registration: 22 April 2021

Dependent visa extension or RP or Visitor visa by Seemit05
Dear friends, I m from India and working in Brussels. I wil be staying here for a couple of years. My wife got her dependent visa for 6 months which will expire in couple of month. Since my wife works in UK, so she has got BRP of UK. She often ...

Hi Seemit, So, What did you do finally in your wife case? Did she apply for the visitor visa each time she visited you? Could you provide an update on this? Thanks Read More

Cohabitation vs Visitor's Visa by Rikkal
Hi, I am a Non-EU citizen who will be working abroad (outside Europe). I have a girlfriend in Belgium and would like to visit her frequently and stay at her place for my holidays etc. Can someone suggest me if I can apply for Cohabitation visa in ...

Hi Alex, Thank you for your reply. I would like to come from time to time. However, for long term later, I would like to permanently move there only if I already have secured a job in Belgium. I have stayed in Belgium for the past 3.5 years ... Read More

Cohabitation vs Visitor's Visa by Rikkal
Hi, I am a Non-EU citizen who will be working abroad (outside Europe). I have a girlfriend in Belgium and would like to visit her frequently and stay at her place for my holidays etc. Can someone suggest me if I can apply for Cohabitation visa in ...

Hi Jens, Thanks for your reply. My partner nationality is Belgian. I want to visit Belgium from time to time. For long term later, I would like to permanently move there only if I already have secured a job in Belgium. Read More

Cohabitation vs Visitor's Visa
Hi, I am a Non-EU citizen who will be working abroad (outside Europe). I have a girlfriend in Belgium and would like to visit her frequently and stay at her place for my holidays etc. Can someone suggest me if I can apply for Cohabitation visa in ... Read More

Lost job but single permit still valid by H Triple
Hello everyone, I lost my job last year in June. I hold a single permit which will expire in 2022. I didn't receive any letter indicate I need to leave Belgium in 90 days if I couldn't find a new employer. Now my ID card still valid, I ...

Great. Congratulations. Read More

Lost job but single permit still valid by H Triple
Hello everyone, I lost my job last year in June. I hold a single permit which will expire in 2022. I didn't receive any letter indicate I need to leave Belgium in 90 days if I couldn't find a new employer. Now my ID card still valid, I ...

Hi H Triple, I don't know how you did not receive any update on the cancellation of the permit. Perhaps, because your employer forgot to send email/cancel the permit in the Department of Work/Economy of Belgium. I hope that you receive the ... Read More

Cancellation of single permit by Rikkal
Hi, My single permit has been cancelled and I am serving this 90 days of period to find another employer. I am a Non-EU citizen and found a job offer in UK. I am in the process of application of Visa for UK from Brussels. I am afraid that my UK ...

Thanks for your reply :) No, city hall did not explain this very well. Their words were: we advise you to deregister on the final day of your legal stay in Belgium. As long as you leave Belgium within 2 weeks of deregistration, you will not face ... Read More

Cancellation of single permit
Hi, My single permit has been cancelled and I am serving this 90 days of period to find another employer. I am a Non-EU citizen and found a job offer in UK. I am in the process of application of Visa for UK from Brussels. I am afraid that my UK ... Read More