health at hand
American expat in Colombia
14 posts
About me
Registration: 21 May 2021
Giving birth in Bogota by GuestPoster22101
I will be in Bogota later this year, due to the necessity of travel it means I will be giving birth there. Uninsured. Has anyone any experience with the Colombian obstetrics system or can recommend an Obstetrician?
@Katie88johns I'm sure the standard of care at a hospital like Santa Fe is as good as anything you would get in the US. In general, healthcare in Colombia is very inexpensive... Santa Fe much less so, or the Clinica del Country, for example, but ... Read More
Healthcare in Colombia - seeing a specialist by melanieclare
Hi!I’m relocating to Bogota later in the year. I’m 38 but have a couple of pre-existing medical conditions, and it seems near impossible to have these covered with private health insurance, and I have seen comments that it might even be ...
@melanieclare In any case, medical care is very cheap here, even if you have to pay out-of-pocket Read More
Healthcare in Colombia - seeing a specialist by melanieclare
Hi!I’m relocating to Bogota later in the year. I’m 38 but have a couple of pre-existing medical conditions, and it seems near impossible to have these covered with private health insurance, and I have seen comments that it might even be ...
@melanieclare It depends on what you have. Here you'll find a great number of medical doctors who, after learning allopathic medicine have gone on to other innovative, alternative therapies. The chances are good that you can find someone who can rid ... Read More
A bit of advice:Â Colombians are great women. Healthy, seemingly happy, dancing, oh - you would like to forget about God's world.You will be surrounded by laughter and dancing in the fumes of wine and beer, if you buy aguardiente - they will ...
that was for @JohnyLondon Read More
A bit of advice:Â Colombians are great women. Healthy, seemingly happy, dancing, oh - you would like to forget about God's world.You will be surrounded by laughter and dancing in the fumes of wine and beer, if you buy aguardiente - they will ...
Well, seems maybe you need to sharpen up on your judge of character. Read More
Colombian driver's license by CaliRay
I've been in Colombia for more than 11 years and during that time my U.S. driver license expired. Getting a new one there is quite a bureaucratic nightmare I'd rather avoid. Currently in Texas you must wait two months or more just for an ...
I've been driving in Bogota for about 12 years and never had a hint of a problem. I look totally gringo but have never felt out of place or even treated differently. Read More
English language teachers by onyeamaechijoshua
With a Nigerian passport, an associate degree from a US University, and TEFL/TESOL English teachers certificate. Will I be able to teach English in Columbia? Thanks for your kind response.
Of course it would depend somewhat on your accent. I have a friend who has a business of teaching and tutoring that likes to expose people to different accents. Read More
Colombia's 'Permanent' Protests by cccmedia
Presidente Duque on Monday ordered the "maximum deployment" of security forces to clear away roadblocks that had been set up on Colombian streets and highways. The widespread protests in Colombia have entered their fourth week, ...
Shows how some people are totally disconnected from the majority of the population. Of course, some are doing just fine or get their money in dollars... and have no feeling for people who are suffering... Read More
Colombia's 'Permanent' Protests by cccmedia
Presidente Duque on Monday ordered the "maximum deployment" of security forces to clear away roadblocks that had been set up on Colombian streets and highways. The widespread protests in Colombia have entered their fourth week, ...
Just because Farc or criminals take advantage and infiltrate the peaceful marches... which, of course, are the ones to make the news, doesn't mean that the 95% or more who are peaceful and have real reasons to protest the government, should be ... Read More
Getting access to PayPal money in Colombia - in cash by Kiwiprofesor
Hey, Guys, get ready, this is complicated. I'm a kiwi from NZ, living in Colombia. I've recently started earning dollars abroad and getting paid into my Paypal account. I'm finding it impossible to access this money as cash, however, ...
I have three credit cards (from the US) that don't charge exchange rate fees from dollars to pesos. So I transfer from PayPal to the credit card which I can use in Colombia. No charge. OR I transfer funds to my Citibank account and withdraw the ... Read More