American looking for information about Portugal
2 posts
About me
Registration: 16 June 2021
Shipping furniture from California by ggriffin
Hello! We have just purchased an apartment in Lisbon. We’re very excited to embark on this new adventure. Does anyone have advice on shipping furniture from the US? Is it better and more cost effective just to purchase new furniture in ...
@ggriffin: Good luck with the move. I hope it all goes well. Shipping to Lisbon should be very easy. It might take a month or perhaps longer especially if your household goods are LCL (Less than a Container Load) because they'll have to wait ... Read More
Import duty on personal goods? by Vidanova
My wife and I both came to live in Portugal and took up residency in the 90's and imported our household and personal effects including a car. No import duties were charged on these items. (the car had the usual charges to get it matriculated ...
This is reply to the question if anybody has had any recent experience in importing a car into Portugal and "is it worth it?". In short, importing a car form the US into Portugal is probably only worth it if you are prepared to go through hell to ... Read More