
Guy Archer

Guy Archer

New member

Canadian looking for information about Costa Rica

Forum posts




About me


Speaks French and English

Registration: 29 August 2021


Guy Archer replied to a thread
3 years ago

Finding a job in Costa Rica during the pandemic by Diksha

Hi everyone, Looking for a job in Costa Rica is not something you can take lightly, especially now. If you found a new job in Costa Rica during the pandemic or if you are currently searching for one, we would like to know how it went. How did ...

Guy Archer

Hello Diksha, I feel there is confusion here. I'm not looking for a job in CR. My goal is to rent something for several months allowing me to make my mind if I will stay in CR for long or permanently. if you would have advice about it I'm ... Read More

Guy Archer replied to a thread
3 years ago

Panama vs. Costa Rica by Guinness13

Hey Folks, Wondering if anyone has some perspective on retiring in Panama vs. Costa Rica. I've done a bunch of reading so far and have yet to set foot in either country. Feet on the street will be part of the research, but interested in what ...

Guy Archer

Hello TerryViv, Many THX to share your expatriation experience. I'm slowly looking to rent something as a first step and maybe buy a condo. If you don't mind I will send you few questions to get your guidance avoiding bad mistakes. Read More