French expat in Portugal
2 posts
About me
Registration: 09 March 2023
NISS number by giuliadioguardi97
Good Morning everyone,I'm Giulia and I moved in Porto for work reasons.On 06/01 I've applied for Niss online, but I still not have it. (I need it to fulfill the contract). Does anyone had the same problem? I've called and it seems that the office ...
@giuliadioguardi97same thing, did the beautiful form online saying wow for once something modern and efficient!….. well that was in November… going only today end if January because I insisted that they couldnt get their social ... Read More
IRS question by ctomac
Hi everybody,Following our first year in Portugal we have to file our first tax return. The problem is that we have not had any taxable income in 2022. So do we have to file a return? How does this work? Do we need a "dispensa de entrega da ...
@ctomac same situation here, asked an accountant she said no need to file until next year because it is only income and savings does not count, but still looking for more info just in case Read More