MemberAmerican looking for information about Portugal
2 posts
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Registration: 30 October 2023
Unfair Taxes in Portugal by AuMargaret
Hello to all on Expat.Com Why doesn't anybody complain here in Portugal? It seems that everyone just takes what is dished up by the Government without making comments or asking questions. For example, only the very large cities in Portugal ...
@Jack KeymanThat doesnt sound right. You should talk to a tax advisor in Portugal to get all the information you need, not a lawyer. Read More
Unfair Taxes in Portugal by AuMargaret
Hello to all on Expat.Com Why doesn't anybody complain here in Portugal? It seems that everyone just takes what is dished up by the Government without making comments or asking questions. For example, only the very large cities in Portugal ...
That doesn’t sound right. You should talk to a tax person for that information , not a lawyer. Read More